Candi Bahal II is located approximately 100 m from the road and about 300 meters from the temple Bahal I. Candi Bahal II yard coextensive with Bahal I temple courtyard surrounded by a fence and a brick, but the size of the main building is smaller than the main temple building Bahal I.
As contained in Candi Bahal 1, in the middle of the east side, courtyard walls widened, forming overhanging the floor about 4 m to the outside courtyard of the temple. About 70 cm high wall flanking the left and right side of the floor to the border of the eastern side of the stairs there (outside).
The main building consists of Candi Bahal II arrangement placemat, legs, body and roof of the temple. Marquetry temple housed a square base measuring approximately 6 m2 and a height of about 1 m. Above the temple foot tall coaster stands 75 cm, with a square ground-plan area of ​​5 m2. Difference foot wide saucer and temples form around the foot of the temple hall.
The temple that stands at the foot of the temple housed a square base measuring 4 m2, so on the surface there is also a temple foot corridor width of about 1 m. In the body Candi Bahal II also contained a blank space measuring approximately 3 m2, surrounded by thick walls of about 1 m. The entrance width of approximately 120 x 250 cm faces east without any sculptural decoration on the frame. Wall mats, legs and body are also plain unadorned temple carvings. Bahal II temple roof with a pyramid-shaped peak of four square. Around the top there is a row of holes array of unknown function.

In front of the base of the staircase of the main building there is a makara head with the mouth open. In the mouth there is a creature that is not clear shape. Although both are made of stone, makara head shape is different to the one in front of the main temple building Bahal I.
In between the main building and there is a gate-shaped platform foundation or square base measuring about 5 m2. The stairs up to the stage is made of red stone was found in the north and south.
In the northern corner of the back yard of the main building there is a kind of foundation building collapsed. On the east side there is a kind of foundation is another foundation that has stairs to go up on two sides, namely the north and south. In front of each staircase there is a statue of a position makara head back to the stairs. Near the foundation was strewn several pieces of stone statues.

(Translate Bahasa Indonesia)


Candi Bahal II terletak sekitar 100 m dari jalan dan sekitar 300 m dari Candi Bahal I. Pelataran Candi Bahal II sama luasnya dengan pelataran Candi Bahal I dan juga dikelilingi pagar bata, akan tetapi ukuran  bangunan utamanya lebih kecil dari bangunan utama  Candi Bahal I.
Sebagaimana yang terdapat di Candi Bahal 1, pada pertengahan sisi timur, dinding halaman melebar, membentuk lantai yang  menjorok sekitar 4 m ke arah luar halaman candi. Dinding setinggi sekitar 70 cm mengapit sisi kanan dan kiri lantai tersebut sampai ke batas tangga yang terdapat sisi timur (luar).
Bangunan utama Candi Bahal II terdiri atas susunan tatakan, kaki, tubuh dan atap candi. Tatakan candi berdenah dasar bujur sangkar seluas sekitar 6 m2 dan setinggi sekitar 1 m. Di atas tatakan berdiri kaki candi setinggi 75 cm, dengan denah dasar  berbentuk bujur sangkar seluas 5 m2. Selisih luas tatakan dan kaki candi membentuk selasar mengelilingi kaki candi. 
Tubuh candi yang  berdiri di atas kaki candi berdenah dasar bujur sangkar seluas 4 m2, sehingga di permukaan kaki candi juga terdapat selasar selebar sekitar 1 m.  Dalam tubuh Candi Bahal II juga  terdapat ruangan kosong berukuran sekitar 3 m2, dikelilingi dinding setebal sekitar 1 m. Pintu masuk  selebar sekitar 120 x 250 cm menghadap ke timur tanpa  pahatan hiasan apapun pada bingkainya. 
Dinding tatakan, kaki dan tubuh candi juga polos tanpa hiasan pahatan. Atap Candi Bahal II berbentuk limas  dengan puncak persegi empat.  Di sekeliling susunan teratas terdapat deretan lubang yang tidak diketahui fungsinya.
Di depan pangkal tangga bangunan utama  terdapat sepasang kepala makara dengan mulut terbuka. Dalam mulut terdapat makhluk yang tidak jelas bentuknya. Walaupun sama-sama terbuat dari batu, kepala makara ini berbeda bentuknya dengan yang terdapat di depan bangunan utama Candi Bahal I.
Di antara bangunan utama dan pintu gerbang terdapat  fondasi atau panggung berbentuk  dasar bujur sangkar berukuran sekitar 5 m2. Tangga  naik ke panggung yang dibuat dari batu merah tersebut terdapat di utara dan selatan.
Di sudut  utara halaman belakang  bangunan utama terdapat semacam fondasi bangunan yang sudah runtuh. Di sisi timur fondasi tersebut terdapat semacam fondasi lain yang mempunyai tangga untuk naik di dua sisi, yaitu sisi utara dan selatan. Di depan masing-masing tangga terdapat sebuah arca kepala makara yang posisinya membelakangi tangga.  Di dekat fondasi tersebut berserakan beberapa potongan arca batu.

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